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ISAIAH 40:1 -2: Comfort, comfort My people,” says your God. Speak kindly to the heart of Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed.
For she has received from Adonai’s hand
double for all her sins.

2 SAMUEL 12:16-24

# In spite of all your praying and fasting like David
The child still died
(Your hopes, your visions, your dreams, your aspirations died prematurely)

# In spite of all, you did for him or her, they still walked out of your life

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, they still divorced you
# In spite of all, the loved you showed them they still betrayed you and stabbed you in the back

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, you’re still down with cancer, the pain will not just go away

# In spite of all your praying and confession of the word, you're still not healed, instead of getting better you're getting worse by the day, so it seems

# in spite of all your praying and fasting. the doctor's report still came back negative. In spite of all, you did and still doing

# In spite of the prophetic words, of assurance spoken over you, things are still looking bad

# In spite of all your services and giving to the work of the Lord, you're still without a job, you still living on charity

In spite of all your praying and fasting, your business is still not picking up, in fact, things are looking worse now, than before

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, you still feel defeated and dejected

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, you still feel depressed, lonely and alone

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, the banks still repossess your home and you are now bankrupt

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, you are still not married. And as if this is not enough everyone keeps bringing up your past

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, you are still called barren. And as if that is not enough you are still being blamed for this and mocked by those around you

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, that child is still on drugs, the husband is still addicted to alcohol and pornography

# In spite of all your praying and fasting, he or she was sentenced to jail. That loved one is still lost in the dark corners and streets of life.

# As if, all this is not enough, you are the object of the community and neighbourhood gossips

# I can only imagine the heaviness in your heart
I can not begin to speak to the sense of shame and humiliation you are going through right now.

# I know what it feels like not to have our prayers answered on time, at the time we desperately need heaven to show up

# I know that hope deferred does make the heart sick
But the good news is this my brother, my sister, hope deferred is not hope denied

# God's delay is not God's denial. - God's wait does not mean God's no. God's wait means He’s preparing the best of the best for you

# Jesus may be four days late, but he's always on time, you can count on Him - to keep His promise to you child

# Hang in there child, the Lord your God. The Conquering Lion of the great tribe of Judah. Say to tell you

# Comfort my child, comfort my child
The Lord says to speak tenderly to you
The Lord says to tell you that, your time of mourning, sorrow, sickness, despair and defeat is over

# Your waiting season is almost coming to end

# The Lord God, who comforted David and Bathsheba at their darkest hour shall also comfort you today, in Jesus mighty name
�# The shall Lord wipe away every unseen tear from your heart
# The Lord shall wipe away every tear from your eyes, as a result of that tragic experience

# That which you have lost tragically shall be replaced by God, with a blessing that far, surpasses what you lost

# That present situation that looks like defeat, is being rearranged in the realm of the spirit for your greater good and testimony

# You’re entering into your new season
This is your season of Solomon

# Your season of peace, love and rest, is here at last

God Bless