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## Honestly, if only we know how temporal this world and life, really is-

# If only we can truly believe in a fraction of all that we read, preach and teach about Jesus Christ and eternity -

# If only believe and know that none of us will be in this world forever
# If only we believe that everything in this world is fickle and temporal

# If only we know that none of us will leave this world alive
# If only we know this truth- we will not live the life of hate, malice, and undue competition amongst ourselves

# If only we know - we would not be so proud and overly full of ourselves -

# If only we know- we would not be living with an over-inflated ego about what we have and what we think we are

# If only we believe half our messages -:
# We will forgive more and bear less grudge
# We will be more humble and less proud
# We will be more friendly and less unfriendly

# We will celebrate others more and envy them less
# We will love more and hate less
# We will give more and hoard less
# We will be more generous and less greedy

# We will praise more and grumble less
# We will bless more and curse less
# We will hope more and fearless

# We will pray more and prey less on the innocent
# We will show more kindness and less wickedness
# We will be more tolerant and less intolerant of others
# We will be more compassionate and less heartless
# We will be more content with our lives and less jealous of other’s

# We will be more intentional about our lives and relationship with the Lord and our fellow man

# Honestly like the good book says, what is your life?
Our lives is likened to a vapour, to a mist that’s here one minute gone the next

# Let’s endeavour not to only work for God, but to also walk with Him
It is well may the Lord, help us all


John Oche Omale

God Bless