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# Father God, thank You for the gifts of all the wonderful people in our lives

# Lord, we are grateful that in spite of all the wickedness and hate in the world today, some of us are still surrounded by good and wonderful people of all colours, races, religious beliefs and social pedigree. 

# As the mountains surround Jerusalem, You have surrounded us with wonderful hearts and minds that come in different colours, shapes and sizes, 

# Please help us not,  to get cut up in this euphoria of hate and lose sight of the wonderful gifts of all the good and Precious hearts in our lives. 

# Help us to keep loving and encouraging one another.

# Help us to always remember that hate and evil of any kind is not a matter of colour, race or even religious beliefs but a heart issue 

# Help us to be the light to each other in darkness and despair 

# Help us to keep speaking our language of love in the midst of hate

# Help us to keep speaking our language of hope in the midst of hopelessness 

# Help us keep spreading love even the face of great opposition 

# Help us to be strong enough not to repay evil with evil, but good with evil

# Help us to stay strong and still walk in love even in the face of great provocations 

# Help us to know that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but a sign of great strength under control 

# Fill our hearts with love and compassion for all mankind 
Help us to love like you, Jesus 

John Oche Omale 
God Bless