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{John 8:36-: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.}
# Forgiveness is your, gift to yourself - this week, take it
# Forgiveness, is one of the greatest gifts, to give, this Thanksgiving week
# Give someone, your gift of forgiveness, as an act of God's goodness and kindness to you
# The gifts of forgiveness, should be one of your high acts of praise, to God, this week
(Forgiveness Is A Gift That You Should Keep On Giving )
(Psalms 41:9-: Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.)
# Only those you love and care about can hurt you.
# You and I know that our greatest pain and hurts, came from those we love and trust
# The wound is deep I know, it's not easy to forgive I know. But with God, on your side, you can take that baby steps toward, your freedom
# It's about you, now and not them
# They are unrepentant I know
# You cannot change them, but you can change you.
# You're the most important person in the story of your life, not them
# You deserve to be joyful and enjoy life again
# You cannot change what happened or what was done to you, but you can choose how you, respond to that hurt and betrayal
# The power to forgive is yours, no one can give you that, and no one can take it away from you, but you.
# Forgiveness is you, saying I will no longer give you the power to keep me, sad and miserable
# Forgiveness, is you, deciding to take your life back, from the hands of wicked, callous and unreasonable folks.
# Forgiveness, is you, saying no one, born of a woman will decide when I should be joyful anymore
# Forgiveness is you, saying I chose joy over misery
# Forgiveness is you, refusing to allow other people to control your life emotionally through bitterness
# Forgiveness puts you in charge of your emotions and control of your life
# Forgiveness is you telling the enemy, and all the miserable counsellors, enough already
# Forgiveness is you, telling the abuser, I will no longer be controlled by your wickedness
# Forgiveness is you, refusing to allow your past to keep deciding and controlling your future
# Forgiveness is you, refusing to allow your, past to be a perpetual prison house of misery and pain
# Forgiveness, is you, declaring your freedom
# Forgiveness is you, shouting from the rooftops of freedom house- saying, thank God, Almighty, I am free at last.
{Ephesians 4:32-: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.}
(And It Shall End In Praise)
I am Ochegba- & I Speak -Life
God Bless