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Where are the men and women of prayers and not of talks and carnal entertainment, in the name of spirituality, in these last days? Heaven has need of you


Joel 2:17-: Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord,

and give not thine heritage to reproach,

that the heathen should rule over them:

wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?


# That the Lord will raise for us, in these last days, not another eloquent preacher. But an intercessor after the order of Elijah

# That the  Lord will raise for us, in these last days, not another Greek and Hebrew teacher, but an intercessor after the order of Father Abraham

# That the Lord will raise for us, in these last days, not another church growth expert, but an intercessor after the order of Moses

# That the will Lord raise for us, in these last day, not another great singer, but an intercessor after the order of King David

# That the Lord will raise for us, in these last days, not another motivational speaker, but an intercessor after the order of prophet Isaiah

# That the Lord will raise for us, in the last days, not another prophet, but an intercessor. after the order of mama Hannah

# Lord, raise for us, in the last days, not another miracle worker, but an intercessor. after the order of prophetess Annah

# Lord, we need men and women that will weep between the porch and the altar for the souls of our sons and daughters

# Lord, we need men and women, that will contend in the spirit for the souls of the prodigal sons and daughters

# We need men and women, that will weep for the souls of our dear nations and our political leaders

# Lord raise us a man. Lord raise us a woman, with tears in their eyes and fire in their soul. For the broken and battered world around them

# OH, that our Sunday services become a prayer meeting and a spiritual war room, where the captives are set free and set on fire for the kingdom of God

# OH, that our Bible study becomes a spiritual labour room a birthplace. Where spiritual giants are birthed through deep groaning in the spirit

# OH, that our Friday night, youth fellowship meetings, becomes a night for our youths to engage and learn true spiritual warfare, intercession and tarrying in prayers.

# Lord, raise us a new generation of Christian with a true passion for the dying world around her.

# How we need a new generation of anointed prayer warriors

# Lord raise us pastors who can pray, and truly prays

# Lord raise us evangelists who can pray and truly prays

# How we need warriors that will go into the enemies camp on their knees to set the captives of the mighty free.

# How we long for men and women, with holy passion and holy fire burning inside of them, that will take the war to enemies camp on their knees for the salvation of souls in this last days

# Intercessors who through their prayer life, will lift up the ancient gates of brass and cuts all bars of iron asunder. Setting the captive of the mighty free. Are needed urgently to do battle for the Lord.

# Oh, that our eyes become rivers of tears and our hearts fields, filled with compassion, and God's mercy for the dying and lost souls around us

# We do not need another prayer conference, where they talk about prayers but pray not.

# The right way to learn how to pray is to pray

To pray right, pray you must

(O! How my heart yearns and longs to see this happen in my days )

Please Pray and agree with me on this brothers and sisters

God bless

John Oche