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# To all the women rewriting the stories of their family in gold, against all odds
# To all the women who refused to be defined by their past mistakes
# To all the women who showed up while others gave excuses
# To all the women who stood their ground while others backed down
# To all the women who refused to accept defeat, while others surrendered too quickly and cheaply
# To all the women who are the stabilizers of our homes and community
# To that one woman who cries herself to sleep, and still wakes up every morning to encourage and cheer her family up
# To that one woman though bleeding with secret pains and hurts, yet still serving and blessing her family and friends
# To that one woman though bent over and unable to help herself, yet, still helping and lifting up her family and friends
# To that one woman though poor, yet making others rich with your good nature, kindness love and compassionate heart.
# To that one woman who said not on my watch satan
# We celebrate and honour you, for all you do, and all you stand for.
# Woman you are you, and you are great not because you are married
# Woman you are you, and you are special not because you have given birth to children
# Woman your uniqueness and greatness are not, and should never be tied to anything mundane
# Woman, you are great with or without a husband
# Woman you are wonderful with or without children
# Woman do not allow the world to only define your, femininity and womanhood by marriage or biological motherhood only. You're much more than that.
# Woman, you are pretty, you're special because God, your heavenly father says so.
# Woman, you are beautiful, not because you are tall, slim, fat, short, dark, or light
# Woman, you are beautiful because you are fulfilling your God-ordained, God-given purpose on earth.
# Woman you are beautiful because God, says so.
# Woman, you are beautiful because you are greatness going somewhere to happen
# Woman this is why we celebrate you, and this is why we honour you, beautiful daughter, and princess of the most High God.
# Happy Mother's Day
# Happy Women's Day
Am - Ochegba- & I speak LIFE